SIMEX Bangladesh is an international network of environmental soil testing services that offers precise and dependable soil analysis services across industries, including oil and gas, industrial, commercial, agricultural, government, and private customers, to help them meet regulatory requirements. We employ the top geodesic engineers and specialists in the field, all of whom are highly skilled and knowledgeable in their fields. Our clients receive accurate information about the load capacity of the soil needed to support the structure. We provide accurate soil test reports as a soil test company in Bangladesh. Before constructing or designing any project, soil testing is essential. The cost of soil testing in Bangladesh varies depending on the project and site. Nevertheless, we provide the best price and results as a soil testing company in Dhaka.
We Have Successfully Conducted Soil Test In The Sea
Any structure must have the foundation soils tested by a top soil testing company like SIMEX. This is both essential and crucial. The building is supported throughout the entirety of its existence. Structural engineers can only design the structure with knowledge of the soil-bearing capacities and their physical characteristics. Without soil testing, it is impossible to select the proper type of foundation.
A soil test is necessary for all foundation types, whether they are deep or shallow. Bangladesh is an earthquake-prone area. A reliable company’s soil test will ensure the future safety of your building. SIMEX Bangladesh provides more accurate and pertinent soil test reports for construction in Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh, we offer soil testing services for large projects. Additionally, we offer private business soil testing services. Additionally, we offer soil testing services to private clients and property owners across Bangladesh. We are delighted to announce that we recently successfully finished soil testing services in the sea. With no major obstacles in our way, we completed this project successfully. Thus, we efficiently complete this soil testing service in the marine region.
SIMEX has a fully equipped lab with cutting-edge technology, and we offer a comprehensive and one-stop testing service to businesses and organizations. Numerous top brands in Bangladesh are regular clients of ours for their analytical needs, thanks to our dedication to providing high-quality service, accurate results on time, and expert advice from our highly qualified staff.
Why Is Soil Testing Important in Bangladesh?
Geographically, Bangladesh is located in a very earthquake-prone area. Due to the unplanned expansion of the city, Dhaka has become increasingly vulnerable. During earthquakes, earthquake forces are applied to the foundations of buildings. Therefore, the foundation design should be capable of carrying all gravity and lateral loads. A building foundation’s design is directly influenced by the soil conditions underneath the proposed site. This is why understanding Soil Bearing Capacity is crucial to foundation design. A soil test is the only way to determine the properties and bearing capacity of the soil. To find out the exact properties of the foundation soils, you should contact a reputed and reputable soil test company in Dhaka, Bangladesh, like SIMEX.
Ensures Building Safety:
It is important to have accurate soil test data when designing a safe foundation. A foundation’s type and depth are directly related to it. Prior to designing a structure, it is important to conduct a proper soil investigation. In order to ensure the ultimate safety of buildings, we must know the soil properties. In spite of the fact that your buildings’ superstructures are strong. There is, however, a problem with the foundation soil. As a result, the structures fail completely. An inappropriate soil test can lead to a dangerous incident when testing building structures.
Minimize Foundation Cost:
The foundation cost and the building cost can be reduced with proper and accurate soil testing. It may be more difficult for foundation designers to incorporate safety factors into foundation designs without soil tests. Occasionally, this is caused by unusual building costs. Alternatively, if foundation soils are not capable of carrying building loads, a building will collapse. If you have a good soil test conducted by a Best Soil Test Company in Dhaka, Bangladesh, you can reduce the cost of your foundation by 20%.
Enhances The Building Life:
Generally, a building is designed to last 80 to 100 years. You may experience partial settlement or failure of your foundation if your superstructures are strong enough, but the foundation is not. As a result, your superstructures are subjected to additional shear, moment, and torsion. There is no way to solve the problem of foundation settlement. This results in buildings failing before they are designed to do so. If you understand the foundation soil properties and its safe bearing capacity, you can mitigate any unusual circumstances.
When selecting a soil testing company, there are several factors that need to be considered. Here are a few reasons why builders prefer SIMEX Bangladesh.
- Using a global network of environmental, health, and safety specialists backed by accredited laboratories, SIMEX delivers accurate, efficient results.
- We are experts in soil testing, site classification, and foundation design, having conducted thousands of tests in our own lab every year for almost a decade.
- Our soil profiles have already been built locally and regionally based on thousands of soil tests. We can take the entire project, not just a site.
- Our skilled manpower gives us complete control over the testing process, enabling us to produce extremely reliable data at the lowest soil test price in BD.
- The soil testing experts we have are experienced in providing foundation design as well as structural engineering services.
- You will be able to make quality decisions based on the data we provide to aid your business and help protect the environment.
Our Core Soil Test Categories
There are several types of soil testing for preconstruction. Depending on the soil, there are different types of tests. Using the soil test report, we design the foundation. A few tests are conducted on site, while others are conducted in a laboratory. Your construction project will benefit from these tests in order to find out if there will be any problems during the crucial foundation-laying steps.
In soil classification, soils with similar properties (chemical, physical, and biological) are grouped into units that can be georeferenced and mapped. For foundation design, builders and engineers use the classification report to plan site preparation and provide site information.
Plastic Unit: A soil sample is mixed with water to make it plastic. Afterward, the soil is molded into a ball shape and rolled into 3mm threads. A new soil sample is taken if these threads cannot break. This process will be repeated with less water if the threads cannot break. It continues in this manner until, finally, the thread breaks.
Liquid Unit: This test uses Casagrande’s liquid limit device, which consists of a cup that moves up and down. Using the proper tool, a groove is created in the middle of the cup filled with soil samples. Over time, the groove on the cup closes when the handle is moved up and down.
A grain size test, also known as mechanical analysis, can determine the grain size distribution of any soil. Basically, mechanical analysis involves sieving soil through sieves of standard opening sizes. Since the smallest sieve size available is 75 nm (0.075 mm), sieve analysis can only be used for gravel and sand.
Direct Shear Tests are conducted in geotechnical engineering practice and research to determine the shear strength of soil materials. The shear strength of a material refers to its maximum resistance to shearing. Generally, the Direct Shear Test is one of the most common and easiest tests to determine the strength of soil and can be conducted on undisturbed or remolded samples.
Generally, the Unconfined Compression Test (UCT) is used in laboratories to assess rock and soil mechanical properties. It measures the strength and stress-strain characteristics of the rock or soil undrained. Especially when dealing with rocks, unconfined compression tests are often included in the laboratory testing program of geotechnical investigations.
Soil hydrometers are best suited for measuring particle size distributions in fine-grained soils, such as clay and silt. Every geotechnical laboratory is familiar with this method of sedimentation. According to Stokes’ law, the hydrometer analyzes soil by calculating its size based on the rate at which it settles out of suspension. Based on the test results, finer soils than the No. 200 (75m) sieve have a different grain size distribution.
Several methods can be used to measure soil moisture content, including the alcohol method, the radiation method, the sand bath, the Pycnometer method, the torsion balance method, the calcium carbide, and the oven-drying method. A popular method for testing moisture content is oven-drying, which involves weighing the sample soil, drying it at 110 degrees, and then weighing it again to measure the difference.
Specific gravity is the ratio of density to the density of water for any substance. A variety of methods are used to determine it, including density bottles, pyrometers, gas jars, shrinkage limits, and measuring flasks. In soil analysis, density bottles and Pycnometers are the most commonly used methods.
Unit weight is described as the weight of a soil mass divided by its volume. The Unit Weight is typically measured in the laboratory by weighing and measuring a relatively undisturbed soil sample. It is possible to measure soil unit weight in the field using a sand cone test, a rubber balloon, or a nuclear densiometer.
A laboratory vane shear test is used to measure the undrained shear strength of cohesive soils with a shear strength of less than about 0.5 kgf/cm2. The test gives the natural strength of the soil, as well as its undisturbed and remolded strengths, which can also be used to evaluate its sensitivity.
The soil field density test measures the relative density of compacted soil, and the result is calculated as a percentage. The relative density is calculated by taking the maximum dry density from a field test and comparing it with the maximum dry density from a laboratory test. Furthermore, the maximum dry density of laboratory tests can be determined using either a standard proctor test or a modified proctor test.
Why SIMEX Is The Best Soil Test Company In Bangladesh?
1. Experience Field Team
Our field team members work full-time for us. During fieldwork, a full-time foreman is on site. There are over five years of experience among both skilled and non-skilled field members. Thus, they are capable of conducting fieldwork accurately. Our field workers must have soil testing experience before being engaged in fieldwork. If necessary, our project engineers may visit the site.

2. Maintain Highest Field Accuracy
We are always committed to maintaining the highest levels of field accuracy. It is crucial to take care when performing Standard Penetration Tests (SPT-N) and to collect undisturbed and disturbed samples. It is always the responsibility of our field engineers to guide our foremen to follow the technical specifications strictly. We maintain the Highest Field Accuracy of any Soil Test Company in Bangladesh.
3. Whole Bangladesh Services Coverage
Our Team Members are always willing to move to any district in Bangladesh within 24 hours of being notified. Our company has a pick-up van that we use for the transportation of both our equipment and our manpower. For our Team, we have arranged accommodation on-site. Therefore, staying at the site is hassle-free for us. Occasionally, our team is able to work night shifts.

4. Authentic Test Reports
We provide more accurate and authentic soil test reports. We strictly follow the Bangladesh National Building Code, BNBC-2020 guidelines when preparing our final report. We calculate soil bearing capacity using the Tarzagi Bearing Capacity Formula. Using unified soil classification methods, the Foundation Soil is classified. Our reports contain all of our test results as well as graphical representations as necessary.
The Process Of Soil Test In Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, the soil-bearing capacity of buildings is calculated using a variety of methods. In most companies, Standard Penetration Tests (SPT Methods) are used to measure the bearing capacity of foundation soils. It is an inexpensive and easy method of determining foundation soil-bearing capacities. The whole process of SPT methods is explained below.
When you are considering conducting a geotechnical investigation at your proposed site, this is the first step. Until you start working, old structures must be demolished and properly cleaned. You should try to create an open space of 5 feet by 5 feet for the soil test rig and tripod if complete demolition isn’t possible. It is very important to have access to water during soil exploration. As a result, nearby sources of water selection are also crucial. Before boring, break any RCC floor found beneath the boring points and remove it.
Depending on the location, soil properties may differ. Therefore, it is very vital to select the number of boring points based on the size and shape of the land. In the case of small sites like 2 Katha to 3 Katha land, at least 3 soil tests should be conducted. When the land area is larger, one point per Katha land will provide more accurate and relevant soil data. It is also important to select borehole locations carefully. When selecting wash boring locations, it is vital to consider building footprints and uniformity of test points.
It is necessary to carry soil test equipment to the site during the mobilization process. This equipment consists of a drilling rig, casing pipes, drill pipes, soil sampler, auto trip hammer, slurry pump, water injector, tripod, vanilla rope, etc. As part of site mobilization, skilled labor and non-skilled labor are transported.
During wash-boring soil sampling, it is important to collect SPTs in the field. We count the SPT values at each 5 feet depth up to the desired SPT value by penetrating the boring points to the desired depth. Using the Split Spoon Sampler, we attach a soil sampler to the drill pipe and place it at the desired level. Using an Auto Tripped Hammer of 63.5 kg in weight, the sampler is repeatedly dropped from the same height of 30 inches until the sampler penetrates up to 6 inches in depth. The process continues twice more to penetrate the 18-inch depth and record the values separately.
Using the recorded SPT values, we compute the corrected SPT or SPT N-Values. The first 6 inches of penetration are considered seating value and do not count in SPT N Value calculation. We count the remaining 12 inches of penetration blows as SPT N Values. In the case of very hard or rock-type soils, 50 SPT N-Vales are recommended. Consequently, we collect the SPT blows up to the desired depth where 50 SPT N values are obtained. Under a deep foundation, we look for at least a meter-deep hard soil layer.
Generally, we collect two types of samples in the wash boring method at different depths. There are two types of samples: a) disturbed samples and b) undisturbed samples. Whenever soil in-situ properties change, we refer to the samples as disturbed soil samples. When these properties remain unchanged, we refer to them as undisturbed samples. We collect disturbed soil samples using Split Spoon Samplers. By contrast, we collect soil samples from undisturbed soil using piston samplers.
To the soil test laboratory, we transfer the disturbed and undisturbed soil samples. We collect soil samples for analysis by a Geotechnical Engineer who is experienced in this field. Each soil sample is tested in the lab for mechanical properties. Laboratory tests include Natural Moisture Content, Specific Gravity, Atterberg Limits, Soil Density, Grain Size Analysis, Hydrometer Test, Direct Shear Test, Unconfined Compression Test, Consolidation Test, Triaxial Shear Test, etc.
Geotechnical and Foundation Engineers further analyze the lab test results. A final test result data sheet is prepared as well as the necessary graphical presentations. Using the data sheets, soil bearing capacity and other properties are calculated.

Trusted Soil Testing Services In Bangladesh
Make A Safe Deal With SIMEX Bangladesh

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Ahad Azam
We have a very positive experience with SIMEX Bangladesh highway construction projects. Working with a skilled management team that is accommodating and sensitive to our needs. Their professionalism shows in management, quality of work and customer service. We are pleased!
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Phone/ WhatsApp/WeChat: +8801733331033
E-Mail: shuvo@simex.com.bd
Head of Engineering:
Phone/ WhatsApp/WeChat: +8801733331032
E-Mail: jamil@simex.com.bd